четвъртък, 29 март 2012 г.

тази синя риба
е по-сива от камъче

алчна ръка на дете
от водната лупа извади

виж мамо

туй камъче не блести
и тая синя риба е сива

туй което ти дава
туй ти и взима

сряда, 21 март 2012 г.

animal society
high tech orgy
toilet money
thick dick plug in

toy civilization
low cost five star
super pain for
super man tality

mr master bator
on your knees please
my microphone
if you please
if you please

bacterial theatre
dead bodies live show
lollipop and jazz
must come and go

plug me fun
paste me drama
rama rama

mr master bator
on your knees please
my microphone
if you please
if you please

понеделник, 5 март 2012 г.

you make me a zombie
beeping lips
paws praying
for a candy

dad and mom dead
in the wedding bed
too tired to make me
mom and dad
so dead

you make me a zombie
in a circle
in a circus
chasing for my tail
to taste

do you take it easy
do i stay calm
for your penny honey
shall i spin around

take it easy
stay calm
penny honey
spin around

you make me a zombie
one lack of music track
speechlessly gesticulating

someone watches
teddy bear
how i bury
just behind the tree
poor me

pins and needles
in a heart

take it easy
stay calm
penny honey
spin around